It’s been a long time since you…
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! I am finally back with a new blog for you guys! Here are some real updates for you guys soon:
Jenny and I are in the process of drafting new podcast ideas so stay tuned for that!
Starting from the new year, I wanted to try something new. I feel like I was giving too many book reports/reviews so I decided to expand our Dailyist to a bigger scale.
I am in the works of a travel vlog! Stay tuned for that :)
Now, I’ve been working on a poem that has been sitting in my google docs for the LONGEST time and I’ve slowly been releasing to some of my friends but now I guess it’s going to be released to you guys too!
The poem is called “absence.”
hope you enjoy!
in the white space between heartbeats,
where silence accumulates like the dust,
i am remembering how breath
becomes a fragile architecture
your absence is a topology
mapped out in negative space
punctured by memories that leak
like watercolors bleeding through thin paper
sometimes grief to me looks like:
a mathematics of emptiness
equations where love
cannot be solved
i collect the shattered syllables of your name
and scatter them across empty rooms
watch how they refuse
to reassemble back together
my body is a landscape
where mourning grows wild
each memory a tectonic plate
and in this moment
i am both the wound
and the healing
simultaneously existing
— navigating through the land of loss.
Thank you for reading!